The first race
It seems like such a long time ago but I did my first ever triathlon in 1990 and was immediately hooked although I didn't do any more till 1991. I raced poorly with hardly any training and wanted to improve my swimming and cycling.
I was coming from a brief running background of about 4 years and had been racing lots of 10km and half marathons pb of about 1 hr 24min(with Ironman training came down to 1.16) and knowing that to get better I would have to do a lot more running.
Interested in cycling
I had always been interested in cycling and hadn't really been off the bike since I learnt to ride aged 13. I lived in South Afica and school finished by 2pm and I would pretty much spend the rest of the day on a bike. My first was an old beater put together by a family friend. I had a Giant bmx and then bought a second hand Raleigh racing bike. I didn't race because South Africa at the time was a cultural and sporting dead place unless of course if you played Rugby, so I had no knowledge of cycle racing. I just used to race friends or just sprint around by myself.
When my family moved back to the UK when I was 17, I got a new bright red Peugeot racing bike that was too large but I used to as transport.
More to come