Again I am finding life is too exciting for sleep either that or I just don't have a decent off switch. I woke at 4.08am with an annoying word in my head, it is Puha (not sure of the spelling) it is a plant, looks like weed and it is growing in the garden. Apparently it is edible and Maori like to boil it up with other vegetables and meat. Emily's class at school did the 12 days of Christmas (Kiwi style) in the final school assembly of the year and she and 5 classmates had to hold up 6 Puha for the sixth day of Christmas.
Christmas eve was nice and quiet. We swapped pleasentries with the noisy people next door and they made reference to their noise from last Christmas, Rob said he would show me how to unplug his music centre and I replied I had my axe ready. But seriously they are okay most of the time but they drink heavily and get carried away (I could never be more than neighbourly with them).
Emily had left out a mince pie and a glass of Baileys for Santa and not long after santa had polished these off plus munched through Rudolph's carrot, Emily wandered in needing to go the toilet. Teresa made excuses about knocking it all over while I replenished supplies. After I had just finished eating and drinking again Teresa pointed out I could have just put the mince pie back in the cupboard.
We had fun making the mince pies see photos.

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