Monday, 24 November 2008

Weekly training 17Nov-23Nov

2300m very good
61.19 - although this maybe in question as the computer on my road training bike seems be playing up. I thought so last week, as I like to go out and back the same way on a ride, last week I was sure I turned around at 15miles which would have given me 30 on my return but it said 28 I thought I had just made a mistake. But this week on a different route I set out to do 32miles, I made sure the computer said 16 when I turned around but when I got back it said 33.62miles. I did it was slow and tortuous going out but there was an extremely strong headwind. I cleaned the contacts of the computer as the problem seems to coincide with when when I last used silicon spray on the bike. I'll use it again next week and see then I'll try new battery and if that doesn't resolve it I'll have to get another one.

The mileage isn't that important I can base it on time, Iknow roughly how much time I want to ride for. The mileage is imortant to my obsessive compulsive side that like to track it and it's nice linear progression in my training diary.

Also my old red turbo trainer bit the dust Friday night, the 'fixed' fan flew off across the room. I put my bike on Teresa's cheap magnetic trainer thinking the load and ride would be rubbish. (I had such an experience on one I owned 12 years ago- the only positive that came out that was I learned to spin a really high cadence).

But I was pleasantly surprised. It was great and Teresa says I can use it until she wants it back (which is likely to never as she has a hate hate relationship with cycling).
3x8 - mostly very good except for Saturday morning after the turbo session Friday night. It was a case of just getting it done (hardwork) it gave me an opportunity to practice managing discomfort and reinforce my practicing being patient (I have a habit of getting impatient near the end of a run- which you can't afford to do with longer races like Ironman.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 17 November 2008

Weekly update

weekly training

Took an easy week this week- just listening to my body.
just 2 swims total 2300m, bike 1x8mile run and 1 bike 30miles. Legs felt sore and tired after the one run much worse than after a full week of training.
Produce from the garden

Still learning to take photos of things close up

Optimist yachting

I had the opportunity to help Teresa take her year sixes yachting on one of their sessions. Teresa is in charge and is trained but she has been sick and the children would have missed out so I took her class and she came in for the yachting afternoon while I did the policing and organise the putting away of the yachts - a job that requires a loud voice, bossiness and muscle. There were parent helpers but they don't know how to organise a large group of children, don't know how to be get them to do things and the children know they don't have any authority over them. The picture is of Teresa doing preliminary training in the school pool.

and finally..

As I mentioned Teresa has been sick so I took her class for three days. On Monday I had the pleasure of meeting New Zealand olympic triathlete Andrea Hewitt - former world under23 world champion and top 10 in the Beijing olympics. She was in as a prize for the school because the school had entered the most children for the children's weetbix kids triathlon in the local area. The school's entries and encouragement was arranged by Teresa. Did I ever mention that Teresa is the ultimate teacher - the school doesn't know lucky they are. She is also jointly in charge of ICT and runs a school orchestra. This is why I hate her teaching because she is exhausted all the time but she loves it. I get concerned because when I taught full time I was the same and I burnt out really quickly.
I have too say Andrea was a delight, very humble and I am convinced she will be a world or olymic champion. And don't tell Teresa but quite attractive in real life.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 10 November 2008

Veggie garden

We've been busy in the garden again. Planting out lettuce, more spinach and rocket. My Goji bushes arrived but not in very good condition and are struggling to survive. I was going to email the company today but I had to go into Teresa's class because she was sick she was also sick last Friday. We've has our first strawberries and I have been busy chicken proofing the garden see photo.

Bonus photo: Chickens love when I empty the kitchen's organic waste bucket onto the compost.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Weekly training 3Nov-9Nov


total:3000m all with leg band and fistgloves - 3 sessions of 10x100m.


total:56.16 miles


total: 22miles

Very good all round. Training at a lower intensity is much better, although I still feel tired somtimes it doesn't take much to feel better or I'll just start a session and see how I feel and I feel fine. I glued a new yellow fan off another old windtrainer onto the red one I use with the broken fan. So far it is working and will hopefully save me the cost of buying a new one - the one I wanted was approx NZ$900.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 3 November 2008

Weekly training27Oct-2Nov

We survived Emily's ballet week, it seemed there was a practice evry day culminating with 2 performances and after show party on Saturday. She is six the second performance finished at 9pm, 40min to get changed and then 30min for her party. Teresa and I were more exhausted than her.

Surprisingly I got all my planned training in when I was expecting too either because of tiredness or unplanned ballet crises.


total:2000m all with leg band and fistgloves


total:54.6 miles


total:3x7 = 21miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.