Monday, 18 May 2009

Weekly traing 11May - 17May & Teresa's race

Teresa did one of the multi-sport clubs very low key duathlons (VLKD) in Havelock North. She has been trying for the last few years to get back into the triathlon lifestyle but has found her job, 2 children and suitable time to train exhausting. There are 2 options 4.5km 22km 4.5km and the shorter 2km 11km and 2km she came second vet on hardly any training. She doesn't really like cycling but has found cycling on the turbo trainer 2 mornings a week, at first it was 10min it is now up to 15min and after this race she plans to increase it 20min, helps a great deal. I do my bit to get lunches packed and children fed which creates the time.

3 swims 5700m
10 weeks of solid cycling (small bits) so I chose to miss 2 seessions in my effort to get more recovery. total: 6.49miles
2 runs, worked one day in Teresa's class total: 8miles

Getting into the whole bare foot thing. No shoes around the house, flip flops if I go out except if I really need to walk. I am also stopping using the orthotics instead I'm trying to strengthen my legs and feet naturally. This will save me money because stability control running shoes cost more. In December I an going to to buy some vibram five fingers as part of a christmas present.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

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