Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Weekly training 16Nov-22Nov

Easier week
1 swims 2350m pool and 2400m pond total: 4750m
2 turbo and 1 road total:54.43miles
2 runs total: 15miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 20 November 2009

First summer fruit

I have been so caught up with work and the client from hell I failed to report on berry crops. We are having strawberries but we never get a lot at one time. We have had our first boysenberries and the vine is doing fantastically. We have also enjoyed some red raspberries, something seems to be wrong with the black raspberries it seems to be dying. Red currants are looking good, going to have a lot of chilean guavas, blackberries are starting to flower, no sign of any ivory(orange )raspberries. I have been trying hard to get the grapes to grow properly.
This winter was so bad I couldn't get my tomatoes to grow from seed the same for capsicums. I had to but some plants from a nursery - beefsteak, dwarf and roma plum tomatoes. I had already bought 2 heirloom plants that are producing the first fruit - purple haze and zebra(i think).

I am taking five days off work completely . Today I went on Cameron's kindy trip. Monday Teresa is taking a sick day/mental health day after doing Optimist yachting all this week. I am not going to take her class we are going to have a morning together, coffee a bit of christmas shopping. Tuesday is Cameron's first school visit he I will be there all morning so I will be in Napier on my own for the morning I'll go for a run and then have a coffee on my own somewhere , sounds good to me.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Weekly training 9Nov-15Nov

2 pool 4550m open water 2100m total:-6650
2 turbo big gear sessions , missed rode ride on Sunday because Teresa was racing total:- 23.4miles
3 runs total:- 23miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Weekly training 2Nov-8 Nov

After being sort of sick last week this is a return to training, still feel tired.
3 swims total:5600m
2 turbo sessions and 1 road total:52.63miles
3 runs of 6,7,8 = total:21miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Just got the final payment from the client from hell. I was drawn into the acrimonious mud slinging but saved myself. I had just sent an email that contained the phrase 'if you don't pay by Wednesday your website will be offline!' I sat back after it went and felt sick and thought this is not me. I immediately sent another email saying this isn't how I operate my business and I am ending this unpleasantness and that I would end the stalemate by sorting out the issue that had caused the problem. I just decided it didn't matter who was right or wrong somebody had to be above it.

I immediately felt 100% better and I didn't care if she thought she won it just wasn't worth it. I also wanted to get paid and then she go elsewhere when she needed help. She had already told me she wished she hadn't come to me.

I related this to 2 of my existing clients one of which has been with me for 3 years and the other 2 and I told them how much I appreciated their laid back attitudes.

Then yesterday I finished a basic website for someone (I only do basic because there is a demand) I do them cheap but I still put in a lot of effort with the design, theydon't have the finer details and they don't get to change anything about the design. This one was a bookbinding business, I designed his website selling him as a craftsman with 50years experience. Why did I bother, he just complained that things weren't the way his old one had been. I think he just would have been happy if I had just plonked some photos in the middle of a screen.

A lot of people just don't know what makes a good website, they can't tell the difference. No thanks, no appreciation. Thankfully I know that the vast majority of my clients think I do a great job because they tell and refer me to others. It is just that you always remember the negative ones and it just so happens I've had two in a row.

Teresa said that they are just negative people in life in general.

I'm going to do a training post tomorrow.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.