Friday, 20 November 2009

First summer fruit

I have been so caught up with work and the client from hell I failed to report on berry crops. We are having strawberries but we never get a lot at one time. We have had our first boysenberries and the vine is doing fantastically. We have also enjoyed some red raspberries, something seems to be wrong with the black raspberries it seems to be dying. Red currants are looking good, going to have a lot of chilean guavas, blackberries are starting to flower, no sign of any ivory(orange )raspberries. I have been trying hard to get the grapes to grow properly.
This winter was so bad I couldn't get my tomatoes to grow from seed the same for capsicums. I had to but some plants from a nursery - beefsteak, dwarf and roma plum tomatoes. I had already bought 2 heirloom plants that are producing the first fruit - purple haze and zebra(i think).

I am taking five days off work completely . Today I went on Cameron's kindy trip. Monday Teresa is taking a sick day/mental health day after doing Optimist yachting all this week. I am not going to take her class we are going to have a morning together, coffee a bit of christmas shopping. Tuesday is Cameron's first school visit he I will be there all morning so I will be in Napier on my own for the morning I'll go for a run and then have a coffee on my own somewhere , sounds good to me.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

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