My beautiful boy having his party food on the deck. We invited 4 of his friends from kindergarten but 2 couldn't make it. It was short notice, straight after the 6 week summer holidays, back to kindy on Wednesday and gave out the invites and the party was on Saturday. Cameron wasn't bothered he still had a great time.

His kindergarten birthday when everybody farewells the person turning 5 and leaves for school. Cameron is handing out pop corn to the other children and then takes the rest home. Because Cameron will be going to Napier Central School where Teresa works and not the local he won't see these children again.
I'm writing this on day three of Cameron's school life and he loves it and I love having the house too myself most of the day I'm getting tons done especially as I no longer have the daily walk to kindy. I was sad to ending my relationship with the Kindergarten but I won't miss the walk and am excited about this new chapter in my/our lives.
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