Friday, 6 August 2010

UK trip continued

We had mostly brilliant sunshine except for the last 2 days but that just helped us leave.

We didn't have any long stopovers just a few hours in Dubai and Brisbane. Emily commented on how the airports were just like shopping malls and she was right and almost all airports look the same and have the same stuff to buy.

The final part of our journey was our domestic flight from Auckland to Napier. We always arrange a few hours between our international arrival and our domestic flight this time it was 3hours on a late Friday afternoon in miserable wet winter weather in the dreary domestic terminal (it just isn't as comfortable as the international terminal). We were all exhausted from our almost continuous flight and then our domestic flight was delayed by another hour.

We eventually got back to Napier our booked taxi was waiting for us and when we arrived bcak in our new house a friend had dropped off some cheese scones and milk

One of the best things about the trip was having time to read- I read Food Inc the book about the film of the same name which covers the Food industry in the US. The moneyless man - a year living without money definitely lots to think about and Born to run- life changing story first time in a long time I haven't wanted to put a book down.

More info on these books tomorrow.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

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