Saturday, 22 January 2011

New shoes

I just bought some RunAmoc-LITE minimalist running shoes to use when the weather gets coolernot just for running but walking in. Altough this guy at Barefoot healthy goes barefoot in the snow. They have 2mm vibram sole and are made from sustainable sources in America by Soft star shoes.

Above is a picture of the Runamoc LITE but with the heavier 5mm sole and once you get used to the appearance they are great, very comfortable but I haven't worn them properly yet as it is still hot summer at present. They remind of the leather running pumps the elite runners such as Bannister, Lovelock, Brasher, Elliot all used to run in , before Bill Bowerman's invention running shoe and the start of Nike, except with a wider toebox for proper toe spread.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

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