Sunday, 24 December 2006

Christmas Eve

The sunny weather has returned.

Went to the beach at Ahuriri and played in the sand and sea with children and my dad (grandad visits from the UK most Christmas). Got home had dinner, finished cleaning while children in the bath. Cameron in bed early and then Emily, unfortunately she is extremely tired and over excited and has tantrum about going to bed.
Resort to threatening non-arrival of presents.

In spite of all this mind is on how I am feeling - missing training - planning training for Boxing day and fiddling with flipping blog. I think that my partner Teresa thinks I am addicted. She reminds me that I said I wasn't going to work on the computer today (I design websites working from home). I say that I am fiddling with this blog and that she will thank me when she starts using blogs with her class. (I was a school ICT specialist in my previous life as a teacher)

Yes blog is addictive for the time being.

Training plan for Tuesday
  • 3mile run 5am
  • 2 laps of pandora's pond 9am
  • Turbo train 40min 7pm
  • stretching (religously since arthritis

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