A few posts ago I mentioned that I'd ordered Teresa's Christmas present now because the company said they would only be ready for Novemberish. Today a courier van turned up, I usually see it arrive from my desk/office/corner of the dining room (I do have a big desk though). I was expecting a book from the WDA web designers association (complimentary - called 'the internet unmasked'- I'm not a member my clients are not bothered about a logo which I would have to pay for. They just want someone they can talk to in plain English and see what I can do and be affordable ) The arrival was the banana plant, there is no way I can hide it for 8months so now I've got to think of another surprise. Teresa is off the opinion that we shouldn't buy anymore because even with a quarter acre section there is only so much space. At the weekend we did buy one more blueberry bush and the last two of our chilean guava plants that will eventually complete the hedge at the bottom of the deck.
Speaking of my clients earlier in the post I have acquired a new one. An established shop called Baby Heaven which has changed hands and the new owner wants an online shop, she had been quoted $10 000 by a local big firm (she only wants basic not flying to the moon and back technology). I expained that I was low on experience with ecommerce but was trying to get more and I thought that we could benefit each other. I would get low stress experience and she would get a working online shop very cheaply. And my other current client Aquahawks swimming club have asked for online shopping for goggles , etc But they insisted that I put extra on the invoice for extras because I was working so cheaply, I tried to protest!!! I know Jane from the club so I was doing them 'mates rates' 20% discount. The club have been given funding for it and had to pay the full invoice before acertain date which goes against the way I usually work but I'm not complaining.
The Aquahawks job is especially pleasing because somebody else competing for it made me feel stupid a few years ago when I was starting out. I had been to see him at his office (by his invitation) about the possibility of doing some work and I left feeling very small and foolish. Any way things have moved on since then.
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