Harvested the second half of the garlic crop 23 bulbs of proper garlic. We have planted two types of runner beans (one is purple until it is cooked) and after the success of the broadbeans I insisted on another so we found some butter bean seedlings. We also planted courgettes and cucumbers as seedling as the hens had messed with our seeds before I hen proofed the veggie beds.
Garlic (second batch)

The best garlic bulb from first batch

Cameron wearing my beaten up sunhat (its the hat or skin cancer) the hole in the ozone layer is directly above New Zealand

Winning the raspberry battle

Final note..
New Bertha is broody, my friend Shelly who gave us new Bertha asked the other day did we want chicks and if so let them know when we have a broody hen. We're undecided, Ill probably see Shelly at her stall at the farmers' market on Sunday and ask her for a fertilised egg.
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