Tuesday, 30 December 2008

Weekly training 22Dec- 28Dec

total: 2850 only one pool swim because of xmas and one open water swim.
total:74.3miles - Two trainer sessions and 40mile Sunday ride on Middle Rd past Camp David for the first time , no scary climbs and I was sort of disappointed.
total:29miles - 1x9, 2x10 now I have reached an area with hills I have much greater variety. Closer to my house it is flat and I refuse to drive somewhere to run - that partly defeats one of the benefits of running - just go out your door.

Other news: Yesterday I wanted to plug up the old chimney (no longer used) so I can board up the disused fireplace. I mixed the concrete, had the ladder ready and it hasn't stopped raining since.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

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