Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Weekly training 21Dec-27Dec

After only doing my usual weekend long sessions after being sick all the previous week it was back to full training.
3 sessions total:6200m
3 sessions total:62.34 miles
3 sessions total:21 miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

Weekly training 7Dec-13Dec

Didn't enjoy my long ride on Sunday. I was feeling off and by Sunday night I had to admit I was sick with a cold. Although I had some really good training sessions especially Saturday's open water swim, I enjoyed an open water session for the first time ever, I mean really enjoyed it!
3 swims total:6800m
3 rides total:59.58miles
3 runs total:21miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Aeroplane Passenger's revenge

This was on Conrad Stoltz's blog

This story made my day…

I play a bit of guitar myself, (on a $100 cheapy, and “play” used loosely) but being a frequently frustrated traveler with a $8000 Specialized bike in a box, I can really relate to this story: (feel free to substitute “guitar” with “bicycle” in the youtube video)

A musician named Dave Carroll recently had difficulty with United Airlines. United apparently damaged his treasured Taylor guitar ($3500) during a flight. Dave spent over nine months trying to get United to pay for damages caused by baggage handlers to his custom Taylor guitar. During his final exchange with the United Customer Relations Manager, he stated that he was left with no choice other than to create a music video for You Tube, exposing their lack of cooperation. The manager responded, “Good luck with that one, pal.”

He posted the following retaliatory video on You Tube. The video has since received over 6.5 million hits. United Airlines contacted Carroll and attempted settlement in exchange for pulling the video. Naturally, his response was, “Good luck with that one, pal.”

Taylor Guitars sent Carroll two new custom guitars in appreciation for product recognition resulting from the video that has led to a sharp increase in orders.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 7 December 2009

Weekly training 30Nov-6Dec

Ihad to miss some sessions listening to my body and it was saying don't train. It was a combination of torrential rain, poor sleep partly caused by horrible ugly people moving into a house down the road and playing excessively loud music at all times of the day and night. Slowly training them how to behave amongst civilised people. This time it isn't just me other neighbours are complaining although they far retaliation. It is noise with an excessive bass beat which really travels and drills into the skull especialy when I was trying to work on Friday. I forgot to mention I had to pay a visit to the original ugly neighbour 2 weekends ago. I found myself saying to him I didn't want to hear his music in my house and and by the way its crap music.

2 swims total:4600m
2 rides total:44.64miles
2 runs total:13miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 1 December 2009

Weekly training 23Nov-29Nov

2 swims 2200m pool and 2400m pond total: 6800m
2 turbo and 1 road total:56.14miles
3 runs total:22miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Weekly training 16Nov-22Nov

Easier week
1 swims 2350m pool and 2400m pond total: 4750m
2 turbo and 1 road total:54.43miles
2 runs total: 15miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - separate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 20 November 2009

First summer fruit

I have been so caught up with work and the client from hell I failed to report on berry crops. We are having strawberries but we never get a lot at one time. We have had our first boysenberries and the vine is doing fantastically. We have also enjoyed some red raspberries, something seems to be wrong with the black raspberries it seems to be dying. Red currants are looking good, going to have a lot of chilean guavas, blackberries are starting to flower, no sign of any ivory(orange )raspberries. I have been trying hard to get the grapes to grow properly.
This winter was so bad I couldn't get my tomatoes to grow from seed the same for capsicums. I had to but some plants from a nursery - beefsteak, dwarf and roma plum tomatoes. I had already bought 2 heirloom plants that are producing the first fruit - purple haze and zebra(i think).

I am taking five days off work completely . Today I went on Cameron's kindy trip. Monday Teresa is taking a sick day/mental health day after doing Optimist yachting all this week. I am not going to take her class we are going to have a morning together, coffee a bit of christmas shopping. Tuesday is Cameron's first school visit he I will be there all morning so I will be in Napier on my own for the morning I'll go for a run and then have a coffee on my own somewhere , sounds good to me.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 16 November 2009

Weekly training 9Nov-15Nov

2 pool 4550m open water 2100m total:-6650
2 turbo big gear sessions , missed rode ride on Sunday because Teresa was racing total:- 23.4miles
3 runs total:- 23miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 13 November 2009

Weekly training 2Nov-8 Nov

After being sort of sick last week this is a return to training, still feel tired.
3 swims total:5600m
2 turbo sessions and 1 road total:52.63miles
3 runs of 6,7,8 = total:21miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 12 November 2009


Just got the final payment from the client from hell. I was drawn into the acrimonious mud slinging but saved myself. I had just sent an email that contained the phrase 'if you don't pay by Wednesday your website will be offline!' I sat back after it went and felt sick and thought this is not me. I immediately sent another email saying this isn't how I operate my business and I am ending this unpleasantness and that I would end the stalemate by sorting out the issue that had caused the problem. I just decided it didn't matter who was right or wrong somebody had to be above it.

I immediately felt 100% better and I didn't care if she thought she won it just wasn't worth it. I also wanted to get paid and then she go elsewhere when she needed help. She had already told me she wished she hadn't come to me.

I related this to 2 of my existing clients one of which has been with me for 3 years and the other 2 and I told them how much I appreciated their laid back attitudes.

Then yesterday I finished a basic website for someone (I only do basic because there is a demand) I do them cheap but I still put in a lot of effort with the design, theydon't have the finer details and they don't get to change anything about the design. This one was a bookbinding business, I designed his website selling him as a craftsman with 50years experience. Why did I bother, he just complained that things weren't the way his old one had been. I think he just would have been happy if I had just plonked some photos in the middle of a screen.

A lot of people just don't know what makes a good website, they can't tell the difference. No thanks, no appreciation. Thankfully I know that the vast majority of my clients think I do a great job because they tell and refer me to others. It is just that you always remember the negative ones and it just so happens I've had two in a row.

Teresa said that they are just negative people in life in general.

I'm going to do a training post tomorrow.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 30 October 2009

Weekly training and life

Where to start? Over the last 3 weeks I've been feeling really tired and not really enjoying training just getting it done, feeling grumpy and the continued poor winter/spring were combining to get me down. I know it is time to back off when I have to make myself go train and even not hearing my alarm clock go off.

I had a rest week about 4 weeks ago were I only trained one session of the 3 disciplines, then had 2 full weeks (and they were good weeks) but then I had an easy week last week when I only did 2 of my usual 3 sessions. Then it was supposed to back into two more full weeks of training but I still felt exhausted on Monday at swimming but swam really well but felt shattered afterwards , I just I'd overdone it especially as I had swum 2 quick in Pandora's Pond the day before (second open water swim of the season and it was very cold). Come Tuesday morning and the rain was coming down in bucket loads I and just couldn't 10miles on another rainy day.

I tried a turbo session on the bike Wednesday and all I could of was reasons to get off although at the end it was okay. I didn't run yesterday (Thursday), no swim today. I might run tomorrow I'm going to see how I feel and hopefully I'll do 2and half hours on the bike on the road Sunday and three laps of the pond Sunday afternoon.

All this hasn't been helped by being stressed with work, this doesn't happen very often I usually pick my clients and not take on too much. A job I just finished was for the rudest client ever for a month everything was going great, until she got fussy, demanding, ignoring my advice, wanting complicated things done quickly and changing her mind constantly with a deadline I never agreed too. I almost quit when she got really offensive saying my work was for want of another word rubbish.

So I told her what I thought of her behaviour I was calm , polite but firm and I explained to her her website was looking so bad because she had ignored my advice about how much content to add and that if she insisted on doing it her way it would break the design which is of course she did and it did.

It was a typical situation where somebody doesn't know anything about the subject but ibsists they are right. I took to emailing her all the stuff that needs to be on a website that goes unseen such as the testing on all the different browsers, refining the coding.

She made me feel sick.

I've spent the last few days catching up with my other clients who are all very patient laid back people who are a mixture of existing clients having another website built, upgraded, refrshed and a couple of new ones. I explained this to this other client and said I must be doing something right because I 've got long term clients and this year I've had a lot of referrals.

On top of all this it is Emily's ballet performance week - this means lots of extra practices, late nights and the performance s on Saturday. I'm going to go and get her now.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 15 October 2009

Weekly traing 5Oct-11Oct

All 3 sessions total:8250m
2 turbo one on road might have been 25 but computer broke total:46.19miles
All 3 runs total:30miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 14 October 2009

Hawaii Ironman 2009

This was on xtri.com - showing the form of some of the pros in slow motion.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 8 October 2009

Weekly traing 28Sept- 4 Oct rest week

Didn't do much training at all official rest week trained very little mental and physical break from training - caught up with extra work and it was first week of school holidays.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 2 October 2009

Weekly traing 21- 27 Sep JGID

all 3 swims total:8100m
Easier bike week missed one session total:20.59miles
all 3 runs added some running on boulders total:30miles despite being really tired on Saturday had a good run.

Feeling a bit grumpy and haven't got much to say.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 24 September 2009

Weekly traing 14-20 Sep

This is week 7 of 8 week block and I'm tired my pace is JGID or just get it done and starts with slow warm-ups.
3 sessions all include 2200m of swimming with balls and band and 450m without balls. total:7950M
3 turbo sessions greatest load - My effort for this is judged by heartrate and is getting easier and easier. total:31.92 miles
3 runs of 10miles - Saturday's run in torrential rain on soggy wet grass left me shattered. It was a whole body work out starting from my deepest core. total:30miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 18 September 2009

Week training 7-13September

Trainings going well less sessions missed because of teaching or children stuff. Did turn down 2 school trips not only because I they were on swimming days (and I've missed one a week for last 3 weeks) but because I've got a lot of work on business wise.
2sessions, missed one because I was teaching Teresa's class total:5150m
3turbo sessions all with biggest load - heart rate/effort much less total:29.88
2 runs 1missed due to tired legs total:20miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 17 September 2009

Big announcement

As of the 11th of September I am no longer Vegan or even vegetarian. I started questioning things esecially after watching self suffiency programmes on tv, raising or hunting for your own meat = it just seemed so natural. Which of course it is. I have also been following the Primal blueprint Marks daily apple I was doing a lot of it anyway. And there was a review of a book called the vegetatrian myth which dealt with a lot of the problems I had been wrestling, not just animal welfare but land use. Clearing rainforests not only to raise beef but grow soy, etc.

I have conditions I'm only eating free range and/or organic meat. It felt kind of weird, still does 17 years is a long time. I did have a yucky feeling for a few days but it has gone now. I do feel relieved and now the way is open for Teresa and I sometime in the near future to start raising our own meat and I would like to learn to hunt our meat - I fancy a crossbow.

This is huge for me and it surprised those closest to me. One unexpected side effect is that Cameron too as statrd eating steak again he had stopped. This one of the reasons I am behind in my blogging that and the business is really busy.

I plan to catch up on training blogging tomorrow.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 8 September 2009

I've been slack at blogging

6thSeptember was father's day

Weekly training 31Aug-6September
1 missed Teresa sick taught her class 2 swims total:4950m
1 planned miss 2 turbo sessions total:21.48miles
3runs:30 miles

Weekly training 24Aug-30Aug
1 missed Cameron had a moveathon at Kindergarten 2 swims total:4750m
3 turbo sessions total:32.95miles
1 run missed because of more blisters and 1 missed because Emily was off school 1 run total:10 miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 31 August 2009

Tragedy of suburbia

This is from tedtalks.com and expresses a lot about what Teresa and I feel about suburbia but could not put into words.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 26 August 2009

Weekly traing 17-23Aug

3 sessions - did a bit extra total:7000m
3 turbo sessions inlargest gear total:34.9miles
3 runs total:21miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 21 August 2009

Found this on Bike Snob

I thought this was naff at first but then I realised the skill was amazing it was what they were wearing was naff.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 19 August 2009

Critical Mass - Ride a bike

This is a great movement taking back the streets. Notice the fat motorists.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Armstrong will eventually go back to his roots

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Weekly training 10Aug- 16Aug

Worked 3 days in Teresa's class. I spent the time teaching them how to shoot videos finishing of what Teresa had planned with them. With that and school production rehearsals I had a blast. Just how school could be if it didn't have all the boring bits. They are also training for the annual cross country race. I ran with them on Tuesday 7laps around the school with the faster boys. It had one hill done 7 times (only 2.5 miles)combined with my lack of hills in training, done faster than usual in different runnig shoes = slightly sore legs next day. To make things worse I ran after school Thursday while waiting for Emily who as sports, the school is on top of a steep hill so of course I went down the hill ran for 40min and then overdid back up the hill. I could hardly walk for 5 days...must start doing my hillier courses in training.
2x2200m total:4400m with ankle band and balls
2x60min turbo total:23.14miles (all with heavy resistance, in largest gear)
total: 8miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 17 August 2009

Chris McCormack

He is a true rock star of the sport

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Cool video

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 11 August 2009

I was sick

I came down with a cold or something. It was a convenient time because I was planning to have extra time off or maybe it was because I was feeling tired that mad me sick/feelin yucky. Easing my way back into training. Swimming is going really well. I've been concentrating on the pull the sweep out and maintaing the water pressure on the pull, But because I swim with the balls and ankle band it seems every movement is magnified. I have really started to feel the 'feel for the water' on my forearms I assume this is because of the early vertical forearm which is a product of a high elbow. I am blown away by the sensations I'm feeling.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Weekly traing 20July- 26July - Emily turns 7

Its time to get serious
2 swims total:3600m all with anle band and balls in hands. Going really well starting to feel the water on my forearms when I pull (early vertical forearm - or more commonly known as high elbow)
2 trainer sessions moved into a bigger gear. total:25.51 miles
3 runs total:29 miles

Emily turned 7 today we have had a few tantrums. There have been lots of parties and in the last 7 days she has had 2, she has had sugar highs and sugar lows add to this her own birthday and party coming up plus today was a school trip which was parent help. So absolute excitement and sugar not a good combination.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Weekly traing 13 July- 19 July & soup of the week

My home made soup of the week this week was spicey roasted chestnut and apple soup (organic apples and chestnuts)

Training is going well . Looking at the training diary from '96 my best year pre arthritis as my guide higher mileage but more rest usually not planned but when life got in the way. I'm following that. The bad weather we've been having has cleared up for now. I ran today at 9am 10miles in the sun.

3 swims ankle band and balls total:5100m
3x60min turbo total:38.13 miles
3 runs total:21mile in rain, mud and long grass

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 14 July 2009

Weekly traing 6July - 12July & cream of carrot soup

All three swims total: 4800m all wearing ankle band and balls. Started doing some 100s faster in all sessions.
All three turbo rides total: 30.9miles
Two runs missed one due to a blister from last Saturday's run total: 9miles.

My children love my homemade soups their favorites are my creamy roast pumpkin(with some tomato), creamy tomato soups but I can add to the list a new favourite cream of carrot. Emily normally won't touch roast pumpkin but she loves the soup. Go figure.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Weekly traing 29June - 5July

Missed 2 sessions due to work and I didn't want to go on my bike to swimming in torrential rain total:1500m
Cycled twice. Missed one session to aide recovery total: 14.96 miles
Ran twice. Missed one run because of work total: 7miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Sunday, 5 July 2009

Mid Winter Party Day

The worst winter since Teresa and I moved to New Zealand almost 10 years ago, longer, colder, wtter, it reminds us of an English winter. We simply aren't used to it so drastic action was called for. Today is Sunday 5 July, first Sunday of the 2 week schools holidays - we are having a mid winter party - a bit like Christmas without the presents and tree (although Cameron wanted it). We are just having nice food, wine for Teresa and I and I've been baking goodies for the children, throw in some dvds and mulled wine and we are all cheered up.

I didn't get to sleep till nearly 2am last night I have been all excited by a new website client that has given me an opportunity to try a really adventurous design - something I don't normally have a chance to do. I felt like I had had a ton of coffee when I've actually cut my intake a lot.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 1 July 2009

Weekly training 22June - 28June

2 swims total 2700m
3 turbo sessions total 21.78 miles
3 runs total 9 miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 30 June 2009

In defence of food

I am currently reading Michael Pollan's 'In defence of food'. If are concerned about what you and your family eat it is required reading. He starts the book with these words 'Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.' The food is what he calls real food or whole food that has not been tampered with by 'food' scientists. He explains how processed food came about. The reason crap is dressed up as food, why the crap has one nutrient at a time stuck in it. Another statement that stuck was if it makes a chemical claim on the packet avoid it at all costs.

I'm trying to find Gary Taubes' 'Good calories, bad calories'. Unfortunately my library doesn't have it.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 23 June 2009

Weekly traing 15June - 21 June

Despite moments when I feel yuck I've done a bit of training.
2400m - 2x1200m band & balls
14.35miles - 2x35min turbo sessions
6miles - 2x3miles - my legs have been feeling great since I stopped wearing my orthotics and try and go barefoot everywhere - well not strictly barefoot wear flip flops until I get some vibram five fingers. And because it is winter I've been wearing socks. Teresa isn't really impressed so I stopped wearing fluffy purple socks and started wearing black socks with my black flip flops.

It isn't as crazy as it sounds - here in new zealand going barefoot is more acceptable than most countries - I often used to teach in shorts and barefeet at the height of summer.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 16 June 2009

Weekly training 8June-14 June

I did a little bit 1200m in the pool, 7mile on the bike and 3 mile run. I still feel yuck and lethargic. Its been my worse sick spell for years and added to that the lack of sleep when the children were not well. I plan to do a bit more training this week.

On top of all this I strained the right by over zealous leave raking at the weekend.

On top of all that I have some hand soreness from computer mouse usage. It is not my usual arthritic pain from too much work, it is at the base of the right thumb from gripping the mouse. I did some reading on ergonomics and ergonomic mice and before I buy something I am trying adding extra size to my mice to stop me from gripping it so tightly, this is also forcing me to hold it much lightly and moving my arm from the elbow and not the wrist.

I am seriously considering a mouse that keeps your hand in the handshake position.

I am really impatient to pay off the last of the mortgage.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Weekly traing - not

I did a little bit of training to see how I was feeling. Back down with coughing and green mucus. This last month we have all had colds and it has been the wordt month of weather we've had since moving to New Zealand in 2000.
Things to share

1. Unbelievable: Chicken in a can
2. Unbelievable: Redefines what we know humans are capable of.

Other news

Despite the horrific last visit with the in-laws back in the UK April 2007 we are going back again. The in-laws in question looked like a couple facing the death penalty and finding out that they are to be pardoned, that is how relieved they looked because after their shocking behaviour last time they must have thought they would never see their grandchildren again. Teresa told them on Sunday during their regular skype (web cams, etc) But we want the children to know their grand parents and I don't want adult stuff to get in the way. Plus we are going to spend a large part of the visit in holiday accomodation. Teresa and I are going to treat ourselves to holiday parks that provide lots of kids activities. It is going to be a celebration for having paid off every single cent of the mortgage. And of course the in-laws have said they would pay - which despite some of my feelings towards them , is very generous.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 4 June 2009

Latest happenings

No training last week. Just started again this week.

Greenhouse has broken zip on left side had to wire it together in wild weather. Tomato plants that were doing really well now not doing so well I think it just got too cold even for the greenhouse. I'm going to retry in july which is the middle of winter.

Emily has started swimming in the 25metere pool at swimming lessons. She does backstroke and frontcrawk but returns to the learner pool for breast stroke.

Cameron is a real boy. In the last month it seems he has moved into full blown boy in terms of noise, running around making car noises and general high levels of mad activity.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 25 May 2009

Still got cold - so I watched this instead of working

This guy and his book presents the science that backs up the Paleo diet and the Primal Blueprint. In it he uncovers scientific research from early last century that proves it isn't how many clories it is what calories that make people fat. It is 71min long but worth it.

In a nutshell it is not the amount of calories people eat that make them fat but what they eat. The culprit is insulin which allows fat to be stored. But the insulin is created by carbohydrates so eating a diet high in carbohydrates causes a high insulin production which causes fat to be stored. Over eat carbs i.e. pizza, fries, burger buns you've got real problems. As have type 2 diabetics which is often caused by obesity are then given insulin as a treatment - a bit of a catch22 situation.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 21 May 2009

I have a cold

I have a cold

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 20 May 2009


Teresa and I are feeling yuck at the present. Mentally exhausted from the children who both have hacking coughs but according to the doctor there is nothing we can do it will get better (it can take up to 6weeks) and we just have to put up with being woken up.

I'm fed up with marketing, obsese people and the sense of entitlement people seem to have. At the weekend I called out the noise control people at 5.30pm because the ugly people next door had their noise on so loud we couldn't hear ourselves think.

Had a lousy swim this morning never got going, I might be tired or getting a cold.

A phonecall from Ian the principal at Napier Central , Teresa's boss. Wanting to know could I put back the intranet. I had redesigned there intranet with a content management system for them to add links, videos, examples of cool digital work done by the children. The problem was I sent them an invoice on the 4th April and still hadn't been paid by 18th May. As I told Ian this is the second time this had happened the last was the previous month. The woman in the office told me she couldn't pay before the 20th of the month, I checked with my accountant and he told me her reason was only partially right. I didn't make a fuss I just sent along the second invoice expecting it to be paid by the 20th it didn't.

So when Ian said that he didn't know what had happened between office woman and me (as in personality thing) I told him it has nothing to do with it, I said it is purely business and gave him the example of the first invoice and how I had tried to be accommodating. He himself knows that this woman is a law unto herself so much so that board of the school is having an external auditor come in to review office practices because they have had so many complaints. I held back from saying that he is her boss and it is his fault it has got to this situation.

I did say that I had done a lot of work cheaply for the school and I support Teresa in her role as ICT co-ordinator. I also rely on goodwill between myself and my clients and that this is the first none payment issues I've had to deal with and shouldn't have to chase payment when he suggested that I should have rung the school..

I told him that I was trying to keep the website business seperate from my teaching and Teresa's teching at the school. Then I should have stopped talking because I launched how exhausted Teresa is because she does way more than her fair share. The most recent is the school production. She is teaching the songs to the main characters at lunch time and yet still has to get 15 different costumes made for all the different roles her class are playing. Whereas the junior (teaching children younger than 7) have one type of easy costume to make and thats it. So I told Ian she is thinking of leaving the schoo or a different teaching team, because her present team leader likes long bring after school meetings to analyse the stats from tests that don't mean anything. Teresa would shoot me if she found out.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 18 May 2009

Weekly traing 11May - 17May & Teresa's race

Teresa did one of the multi-sport clubs very low key duathlons (VLKD) in Havelock North. She has been trying for the last few years to get back into the triathlon lifestyle but has found her job, 2 children and suitable time to train exhausting. There are 2 options 4.5km 22km 4.5km and the shorter 2km 11km and 2km she came second vet on hardly any training. She doesn't really like cycling but has found cycling on the turbo trainer 2 mornings a week, at first it was 10min it is now up to 15min and after this race she plans to increase it 20min, helps a great deal. I do my bit to get lunches packed and children fed which creates the time.

3 swims 5700m
10 weeks of solid cycling (small bits) so I chose to miss 2 seessions in my effort to get more recovery. total: 6.49miles
2 runs, worked one day in Teresa's class total: 8miles

Getting into the whole bare foot thing. No shoes around the house, flip flops if I go out except if I really need to walk. I am also stopping using the orthotics instead I'm trying to strengthen my legs and feet naturally. This will save me money because stability control running shoes cost more. In December I an going to to buy some vibram five fingers as part of a christmas present.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 12 May 2009

Weekly traing 4May-10May

Cameron was home sick so one swim and one run was missed.
2 swims total: 3600m
3 bike rides on trainer total: 14.63 miles
2 runs total:8 miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 7 May 2009

Feijoa hedge & police emergency

I was just going to post the photo I took of the new hedge 10 feijoa trees but something very newsworthy happened. In Napier a man shot at unarmed police who were carrying out a routine house search looking for marijuana. One officer was killed and 3 were wounded. It happened on Napier hill which is where Napier Central school is were Teresa teaches and Emily goes to school. The suspect was also said to have explosives strapped to him. The school was one of 3 evacuated and residents inside the police cordon were advised to kepp down and out sight. Napier and Hastings aren't large places and it was proved today that the suspect was the uncle of a boy that was in Teresa's class last year. He was already an unhappy boy (I had taught him as well)his dad had committed suicide a few years ago. More info on stuff.co.nz. At the time of posting the event is still happening.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Weekly traing 27Apr-3May

3x1700= 5200m
3 trainer rides total: 12.95miles
3 runs total: 10miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 28 April 2009

Weekly traing 20Apr-26Apr

3 swims of 1600m(1500m bands & balls, 100m just band)total: 4800m
3 turbo rides total: 12.20 miles
3 runs total: 9 miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Saturday, 25 April 2009


Saw this on Lucho's blog.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 21 April 2009

Weekly traing 13Apr-19Apr

We got the stump grinder in 30min otr there abouts he was done. We got all 9 new trees planted - photo to follow when weather improves.

2 sessions, one cancelled because of Easter Monday total: 2900m
3 x 17 min sessions total:10.42 miles
1x2miles , 2x3 miles total:8 miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 13 April 2009

Front garden hedge in progress & greenhouse

Nine new feijoa trees

Coninue cutting down trees, they've been gradually reduced over the last few years. I am finishing them off with the chainsaw and I was going to dig them out but Teresa told me to hire a man with a stump grinder to hurry up the process. I said I didn't mind the exercise but I think she wants it done quicker than I can do it.


Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Weekly traing 6Apr-12Apr

Only 2 sessions because of Good Friday - total 2300m b&b
3 trainer sessions total 8.63 miles
3 runs total 7miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 7 April 2009

Weekly traing 30Mar-5Apr &fruit trees

We bought 8 more feijos trees to make our front hedge we had planned to buy all different varieties but these were NZ$10 each and all other varieties were $20.

3 swims total 3000m band and ball
3 trainer sessions total 7.20 miles
3 x 2miles 6 miles total

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Garden news:Greenhouse & new fruit trees

We've been wanting to buy a greenhouse for the past 12months but the ones we found were really to expensive right now. Then a few weeks ago we went to Palmers garden centre in Napier(they have coffee shop and a great children's playground) and we found this greenhouse approx 1900mm by 1200mm for NZ$249 about a quarter the price of other similar sized ones. I have already got tomatoes going. I also planted pepper and aubergines. I am using my bucket method and plan to put in some more. I'll try and get a photo soon.

In addition we got another apple tree reduced from NZ$30 to 15 and another feijoa variety for $10. I have been clearing the front of all its old trees and ivy (which is a killer). I was slowed down when the electric chainsaw I had for 12months died the second time I used it and it took about 5weeks for repairs / I was actually given a new one. I plan to plant the new feijoa at the weekend as part of the plan to replace the old trees with a hedge of all different feijoa varieties. In addition I am going to move an exsisting feijoa tree from the middle of the garden to also be part of the the hedge because if I don't it will bug the symmetrical part of me that will feel annoyed that its not with the rest.
It's funny I don't feel that away about all the others trees, although I didn't feel our exsisting apple tree needed company.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 2 April 2009

Weekly traing 23Mar-29Mar

1500m as 1session 700m(7x100 ) 1 session 800m(8x100)both band & balls
7.13miles as 3x11min two on the new turbo trainer
4miles as 2x2miles leg is starting to feel much better and the biggest news is I went running in daylight.
Part of the new routine now that Cameron is at morning Kindergarten is drop him off at 8.30am and then either cycle over to the swimming pool or go home to run. No more 5am runs for the foreseeable future.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Thursday, 26 March 2009

New turbo trainer

I needed a new turbo trainer for my bike, Cameron destroyed the fan on my old one and Teresa wanted hers back to ride her bike on. I bought a gravity version of Teresa's it relies on the weight of the rider to make contact with the rear roller rather the pushing it on the bike wheel by turning a knob. It isn't the one I wanted but at the third of the price it is the one I could afford and hopefully I 'll get as much use out of this one as I did my old one - 16 years.

I'll put a photo up soon. There was only one hitch, I was quickly putting it together last night so I could use it, only to find to screws are missing so I'm going to have to go back to the bike shop.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 24 March 2009

Weekly traing 16Mar-22Mar

The gradual return to training continues.
500m swim +600m =1100m all with band around ankles and balls held in hands (B+B)
2 11minsessions on trainer= 5miles
1mile run to test leg - it's is improving

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 18 March 2009

Pub Night In

The only thing I really miss about the UK (excluding family) is Real Ale Pubs and cask conditioned bottled beer (we can get the latter but it is expensive). Teresa and I have had some great times in some great pubs with some great beer.

The problem is we enjoyed it most in a period when I wasn't training much because of my arthritis , it sort of filled the gap.

Anyway I had planned a sort of pub night in for myself with 3 bottles(pint bottles) of cask conditioned ale only around 5% in strength, not the usual where I go for the strongest, and lots of nibbles.

I have had a couple of these nights in the last few weeks during my break from training with Teresa and 2 bottles but tonight this is just me hangigng loose.

Teresa is away for the week at school camp with her class (she is in charge for the first time and the new teacher(she is mentoring) and her class). This is not the first time she's been away leaving me and the children and especially as I've been a stay home dad for over six years, I've always been the cook but I still have to put up with the usual boring, lame comments from women, from parents of Emily's friends, Terasa's colleagues, etc I can't do any training in the morning because I am taking the children to visit Teresa at camp. So I can indulge and not have to worry about feeling a bit rough in the morning.

Even though I am returning to training I am only easing myself into it very gradually because of my knew routines.

My eagerly anticipated almost never happened. It is my own compulsive nature, even though I have planned it for weeks Teresa thinks its fine, that almost stopped me. Fear of gaining weight, fear of spending the money (and its not as if we can't afford and occasional indulgence - our only debt is the mortgage and it will be gone by November). I spent $25NZ on myself, it was a real struggle because many times I have been at the same stage and pulled the plug. It isn't the only time - when Teresa and I would go out I would suggest an ice cream or cake and when it came time to buy I would say I didn't want it much to Teresa's annoyance because she would then feel guilty for having one herself.

Fear of gaining weight, fear of spending the money. These are the same reasons I have had to overcome during the last few weeks but I would add Fear of losing fitness even though I know that all training theory stipulates fitness gains can only come after recovery and having a break from training is good for physical and mental health.

So I am going to enjoy tonight, I've the beer, bought the nibbles but I didn't get the dvd rental I had planned to get . 2 out of 3 ain't bad.

Finally my brother William in South Africa may read this ... but if you do Hi from me and don't expect great writing it is mostly me emptying my head so I can free up space;-)

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 16 March 2009

Weekly traing 9Mar-15Mar

I swam 500m (10x50), 10min on turbo trainer 3miles and ran a very nervous half mile. I could still feel the in the side of my left calf slightly, I ran so carefully I was stiff the next day. This was on top of the stiffness from playing a bit of cricket with some of th boys at school on Wednesday. I was bowling and the action is quite violent when you are not used to it, which I'm not.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 13 March 2009


In my last post I accidently put 'do need to buy a wetsuit...' it was supposed to be 'do NOT need to buy a wetsuit...'

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 11 March 2009

Reflections on the last 12months of training

I've moved on from finding it hard not to train and forcing myself to have a few extra beers. I am now enjoying those beers and the extra time not training allows me. But I have had 4weeks completely off time to ease myself gently back into it with one run, bike and swim this week.

Here are the things I did well in the last 12 months in regard to training.

  • life balance - family, training, work

  • recovery - children sleeping better= more sleep

  • consistant training - very

  • nutrition - more real food, even less takeaway food(very low already), primal blueprint

  • nutrition - less work at school more time for preparing proper meals and growing more food

  • less stress - by dropping day to day relieving

  • less stress - by doing less relieving

  • less stress - by deciding that I do NOT need to buy a new wetsuit or bike bits because less money needed, means less work required, more cosistant training +more recovery+ more family time+happier=go faster than buying expensive gear

The plan for 2009 is to slightly increase training volume and keep working on my swimmimg. To run at 9am (no more 5am runs) because Cameron is at morning kindergarten. Swim at 9am alternate days to run, bike still trainer sessions Wednesday and Friday evenings and Sundays. Easy weeks will come in the weeks I do relieving, which should in terms2,3,4 be only 4days a term and I will miss what ever 9am session is planned.

This is the flexibility I've been working towards and not buying new gear helps it happpen. 2010 next year when Cameron goes to school will be the achievement it should be even better.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Cameron's injections

Had to take Cameron for his 4year vaccine immunisations -today and he howled. He told Teresa 'someone hurt me'.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Weekly traing

Nothing except stretching and core work. Which is good because I've been in Teresa's class quite a bit which is unusual for this time of year especially as I'm planning to do very little this year.
My little business is going along quite nicely upgrading, incorporating new features, to a couple of school websites I created a couple of years ago. And with the a good chance of a couple of small business (basic) websites to do.

The not training thing is hard especially as the tri season is still on in New Zealand. Everytime I see someone out training I'm thinking I should just do a little bit. Then I came across this post on recovery on Alan Couzens(sports scientist and coach) blog and it features some of my favourite athletes especially Graeme Obree.

I forgot to mention in my last post another reason for focussing on 2 olympic distance races next seen is financial. My frugal side has been winning a lot of battles lately. The races cost a lot in terms of entry fee, they aren't local so there are travel expenses, eating out , etc Although we are planning to buy a family sized tent to help with accommodation costs.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 16 February 2009

Weekly training 9Feb-15Feb


I am trying to do some else I haven't done before. Do no triathlon training for 4 weeks, absolutely none. I have never done this I have always started back doing tiny bits, the reasons fear of putting on weight, losing fitness. But the new me is taking a proper break mentally and physically so I can be better for next season - 2 oylmpic distance races.

I had been planning on moving up to half iron man followed by full ironmen the next season. But I realise that I couldn't handle the training mentally and physically. Sure I could do enough to get round but not 11 hours or less. I want to get faster over shorter races first which is one of the original reasons why after ironmean in 1994 I didn't get back into the longer races.

The not doing any training , except for stretchin and core work - these are just part of healthy living not training, is really, really hard and is taking a bit of getting used - I feel so tired. I plan to use the extra time to catch up on jobs in the house and garden, I have a whole heap of trees to clear with chainsaw so I can plant more fruit trees. On top of this Teresa has been given extra teaching release days and this week I'm teaching in her class for 3 days.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Olympic distance Race goals achieved but...

Even during the swim I was thinking I could just do the swim and pull out. But then I realised it was going well, navigation was spot on, tiring with about 200m of the second 750m lap to go.

The two days leading up to the race were not ideal, we were staying in a holiday house in Accacia Bay at lake Taupo. Emily and Cameron were very excited and slept very little. We had car trouble and I was worrying if we were going to able to get home.

Registration was the day before and took ages I'd left the family at the house thank goodness. There are still a lot of posers who can talk a good race. I had an enjoyable chat with an older lady who was doing the entry level race of 300m 9km and 3km run.

And from that point I relaxed knowing that I nothing to prove to anybody. After the swim I had a trouble free transition, got on the bike and rode the 40km on a course that was hillier than I was expecting. But I just took it easy paced myself and this sums up the race. I wasn't there to race I was there to turn the clock back 13years and complete the race (without being last) and to see if I still wanted to do the longer races.

And I did with a smile on my face for almost all the bike - because for all the three laps on the bike, 4 laps on the run Teresa, Emily and Cameron were cheering for me. And that is how it's going to be from now on, I want to get back to being as fast as I can I want to race this race next year but not at the expense of everything else. I saw what I used to be like 13 years ago in the faces of others and I just want to be happy no matter what my time is. The bottom line is my children don't care, Teresa doesn't care she just wants me to be happy.

I must admit Olympic distance Race goals achieved but... the wheels fell of a little on the run, first two laps of a tough little course easy, number 3 felt it a little bit (not running much for the last 4 weeks) will do that, but on the last lap my injury in my left leg flared up and it really hurt almost walked but didn't.

Overall I was pleased with my time (which for the younger me) considering but I just cruised most of it. It was an added bonus that most my race gear is old and old and secondhand, it made feel great.

At bike check in the guy inspecting the bikes commented about my old epic "ooh a classic, don't sell it!"

ps: For those who don't know The distances were 1500m swim, 40km bike and 10km continuously.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 2 February 2009

Weekly traing 26Jan-1Feb

Currently reading 'Why Die?' the biography of in/famous Australian coach Percy Cerutty - the coach of such running legends as John Landy and Herb Elliot. He seemed to be completely mad and self obssessed. And yet he believed that he was destined for greatness and to be a world beater. He may have been slightly mad (a lot of geniuses are) but in many ways he was just simply way ahead of his time.

Easing the amount of training has definitely had me feeling better. I only ran once and I felt really good except for my left leg which felt fine while running but flared up afterwards and started taking anti-inflammatories to calm it down.

total:4400m1pool swim and 2open water swims and I have been really starting to enjoy it

Despite my leg and previous weeks of tiredness I have entered my race and will consider my self well rested rather than undertrained. Anyway it is supposed to better 10% undertrained than 1-2% overtrained.

Cameron's birthday at the weekend he is now officially a big boy. We had a picnic at Keirunga Gardens which has a ride on model railway which is run by enthusiasts. It is excellent. It goes around and up and down a hill, it has tunnels, bridges, viaducts the works. I tried making a train cake, I carved it out of sponge but the frosting for it was a disaster not helped that we had extremely high temperatures (37 degree celsius) and we don't have air conditioning because we rarely get highter than 30.
He has now started at morning kindergarten 5 days a week. Teresa returned to school today for a teacher only day and Emily starts back tomorrow.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Friday, 30 January 2009

I'm impatient

I'm feeling incredibly impatient at the moment.

  • to pay off the mortgage - sep/oct can't come soon enough

  • impatient to have a tentative go at investing - I've been doing at lot of reading on the topic but I'm the sort of person that learns best by doing and learning things as I need them.

  • for my race - so I can see if my swimming has progressed. At present I'm not sleeping well the night after a swim session- swimming has always been such an anchor for me I'm full of self-doubt. Yet I know I have worked so hard to relearn how to swim. In my mind I know this and I know that there is lots motre to do. I also know I have a plan but it requires patience

  • I want to be a swimming sensation - first out of the water - WE CAN ALL DREAM

  • to start training for next season when I plan to do more races - I know that this year was a stepping stone and I need to build up my volumes of training - as I see so many people do when they simply decide to ironman with hardly any fitness.

  • to buy a new wetsuit - which I can't for a few years if I am to make all my financial goals happen

  • the tomatoes aren't ripening fast enough - we are eating some but I want more

  • the peppers aren't ripening fast enough - we are eating some but I want more

  • no aubergines despite there being lots of flowers

PHEW!!!! That's it for now and it feels good and cheaper than therapy.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Weekly training 19Jan- 25Jan

I have been winding down my training because I am really feeling the almost 11months consistant without having any breaks for racing. I have my one race on the 8Feb my first olympic distance race since 1996. I was enjoying the decreasing miles in running and cycling and enjoying my new confidence in open water because of having had at least one open water swim for the 7 weeks and had 2 last week and because of my improved swimming which also has improved my navigation and breathing. In fact I might go so far as to say I am enjoying swimming in open water and enjoying swimming full stop.

The bad news is that I have picked up a running injury. I ran 10miles Tuesday and on Wednesday I was carrying out some ankle strengthening exercises, that have cured my persistant right ankle niggle, I somehow managed to hurt the left side of my lower left leg. I ran 9miles Thursday morning, started out feeling a niggle and thought I would just run it off. However I don't think I can run in the last weeks before my race. This is a nuisance but not a right off I know if I rest it I have done enough running to do the as I have in the past run really well off very little running. It is just a small dent in my mental preparedness. My only real doubt is that it might still be sore come race day. If this happens I won't enter (you can enter online upto 3 days before) save my money for a full season of races next season when my swimming will be even better and we will still have our 2 days away in Taupo (our accommodation is paid for).

total: 5600m
total: 64.78miles
I did 36miles on Middle road and found it really easy I was swooping down the downhills singing songs from Mama Mia, we bought it Emily for Christmas and she has been playing it none stop and it just got stuch in my had. But if you can't descend at dangerous speeds singing Abba hits when nobody else can hear when can you.
total: 19miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Wednesday, 21 January 2009

Competition winners

Emily and Cameron have been taking part in a summer holiday reading program at the local library. They entered a colouring competition - Cameron won the unders 5's category and Emily was second in the 5-7 category. There were 350 children taking part in the reading program called Superheroes read.

I an currently reading several books by Martin Hawes a New Zealand financial/investment expert- I am learning how to invest for income which I want to be doing by the end of the year. I am also reading The Snowball which is about the life of Warren Buffett one of America's richest men and one of if not the best investor on the planet.

Our mortgage will hopefully be paid off by October. I came to the conclusion that the bank is stealing our money because on top of interest we pay them, they start adding all sorts of penalties if you try and pay it off quickly.

I am also reading loads of graphic novels (they used to be called comics). Teresa and I are watching less and less tv, most of it just a load of boring crap.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 19 January 2009

Garden update

Couldn't resist the other variety of Pepino.

When we went for the Pepino we came across a solitary blackberry. We didn't hesitate it brings back childhood memories of blackberrying with family. We thought we couldn't get them in New Zealand.

We have also been eating home grown courgettes(zuchinni), cucumber, tomatoes,lots of basil, mint, oregano,thyme, beans and lettuce,the first 2 blueberries, and peppers (we're trying to leave them alone to turn red)

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Weekly training 12Jan-18 Jan

Took another easy week missed one of session of each. It was more of a mental break - I had a couple of strong ales Fullers London Pride (vegan friendly)and chips Friday night and planned to miss Saturday's run.
total: 4400m

I confirmed a suspicion in the pool this week - I swim 7x100m with just the ankle band after swimming 5x300m with ankle band and holding balls. My suspicion was that I was swimming them in 1min 30 sec. And I was I am swimming them in 1.25 and 1.30 on 2 minutes with the ankle band all technique I'M BLOWN AWAY!! It is the sort of improvement I have been working very hard for, I couldn't do that before with such little effort . I need to keep at and build on this and hopefully keep improving and maybe I'll achieve my goal of turning my biggest weakness into my strength.

total: 56.87miles
One turbo session and 41miles to Waimarama beach and back. This included some climbs that I was nervous about. As it happens they didn't trouble me at all.
total:2x10= 20miles
I have been feeling very good and can feel the improvement.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Weekly traing 6Jan-11Jan

Easier week - missed on bike and one run. Saturday I was tripped up by a plant whilst out running and cut my hand as I fell quite heavily but still did my run. I was cutting a corner and just caught the plant , which was quite long (approx 1metre) and was low to the ground sticking out almost horizontal, I expected the plant to bend, it didn't and down I went.

The same day whilst swimming in the pond I was almost run down by an outrigger canoe. The local club were practising for a big competition and I accidently wandered into their path. The pond is used by many different sports although usually not at the same time and we share quite happily.

total: 6600m
total: 56.82miles
total: 20miles

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Tuesday, 6 January 2009

Garden update

I'm getting impatient at the moment, everything is going really well but not ready to eat. The contents of the garden is peppers(capsicums), aubergine(eggplant), tomatoes, courgettes, cucumber, rock melon, snap peas and lots of beans. The tomatoes are the most advanced but they take absolutely ages to ripen especially when I want to eat them with my home grown garlic and basil. We are growing lettuce and herbs also. These are on the side deck in trays because lettuce grows poorly in our free draining soil so they get special treatment and lots of water ant I pick leaves when needed. Peppers are also almost ready to eat but the aubergines take forever and I have never grown these before and never grown peppers in any quantity.

Tomatoes along fence covered in bird netting.
Courgette, cucumbers, peppers and the very slow growing rock melons.

Looking down on Courgette
Aubergine plants and more pepper plants in background
Also the time of year to buy wood for winter - 3cords just delivered. Needs putting away
Beans and peas
Apple tree laden with fruit. Had to put in a stake to support the weight of the fruit.
Close up of tomatoes. I have experimented restricting its growth in an effort to speed up ripening. Doesn't work. Now I'm kicking myself for losing some tomatoes. Ripen damn you, ripen.
More tomatoes grown in buckets. Another sort of experiment. The buckets hold in the water and I wanted compare these to those in the free draining soil. The tallest thing in the middle is not a tomato plant it is Emily's Sunflower she started growing in class.
Boysenberry vine is being trained to grow along the fence above the tomatoes. It grows to 7metres so this was the perfect place and it is under birdnetting. Alas no fruit.

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.

Monday, 5 January 2009

Weekly training 29Dec- 4Jan

My biggest training week for years since 1996(excluding my ridiculous attempt to return immediately to doing Ironman in 2004 - because I was a complete mess then). I feel I could keep training but because all my training has slowed a bit and longer warmups, I 'm having an easy week this week.
total:5900m open water was approx 1700m again more hard starts and then keeping going for longer. Hard work.

total:72.47milesDid the ride on Raukawa Rd up what I think is Torres Hill and back for 41miles. The last time I did this ride I was wanting to do 38miles but my computer was playing up so I discovered I did nearer 40 that day . It was about 4 weeks ago and it left me wiped out the next week which sparked me into starting up recovery/easy weeks every fourth week.
The roads are very quiet (virtually no cars)but the surface is very rough in parts which slows you down. It was a very good considering the open water swim Saturday the day before and we repeated the kayaking.
total:30miles 3x10 starting to vary the runs more gradually adding more hills.

Tomorrow photo update of veg garden. Can you stand the excitement???

Join the movement and we'll start a revolution - stop all unnecessary shopping - seperate your needs from your wants.